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Recaust Optimization
Maximize liquor strength while maintaining safe and stable operations
Our causticizing control strategy has unique capabilities that provide you with superior value.
Conventional slaker control strategies have been offered to industry in various forms, with limited scope, robustness, and performance.
Our advanced recaust control and optimization strategy maximizes liquor strength while maintaining safe and stable operations.
Real‐time liquor analysis is provided by combining conventional lab tests, Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT‐NIR) liquor analyzers, and conductivity measurements using an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The solution then uses those continuous measurements to employ a model-based multivariable control strategy with automated dynamic setpoints based on current operating conditions that ensure efficient operation at all times. Optimization of the recausticizing reaction reduces operating costs and improves overall stability throughout the recaust cycle.
Ensure efficient operations
Improve overall stability throughout recaust cycle
Reduce operating costs
Proven Results
Recaust optimization continuously maximizes white liquor strength
Rate of reaction control minimizes the impact of high frequency disturbances to green liquor quality and lime strength on white liquor quality
Flexible setpoint options allow operators to control the recaust process based on a target liquor effective alkali (EA) or causticizing efficiency (CE)
Slaker and classifier temperature optimization improves lime dissolution and reactivity while ensuring safe and stable operation at all times by preventing boil-over conditions
Continuous process unit modeling allows for the highest degree of accuracy in process control and real-time optimization
The highly-customizable solution works with a wide variety of liquor analysis instrumentation by including FT-NIR liquor analyzers, lab tests, and real-time conductivity
Real-time calculations based on reaction equilibrium, reaction kinetics, and lime supply strength allow for continuous unit insight and optimization under varying operating conditions
Contact us to talk to an expert about your immediate needs and how to increase your uptime and improve your productivity.