DeltaV™ IO.CONNECT helps plants securely and easily upgrade their legacy control system to DeltaV DCS while minimizing downtime and risks. Now, plants are empowered to flexibly use capital to reduce operating costs, drive immediate ROI, achieve digital transformation, and confidently prepare for the future.
Take Advantage of DeltaV IO.Connect
Now, using IO.CONNECT, facing obsolescence and capital constraints, making a change to a more modern control system and preparing for the future is possible. Even easy. DeltaV IO.CONNECT protects your I/O investment... as you convert from Honeywell® TDC 3000™ automation equipment infrastructure to the DeltaV distributed control system.
Learn more about DeltaV CONNECT solutions and how they can help you balance obsolescence, cost and schedule as you transition to optimal control and modernize your operations.