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Bleaching Bleaching
An efficient bleaching process is key.

An efficient bleaching process is key.

Kraft Pulping produces strong pulp that typically requires further processing — bleaching — to provide acceptable brightness. The bleaching process removes the lignin (source of colour) which remains after the digester cooking process. This process uses large quantities of expensive bleaching chemicals (usually ClO2) and presents raw material and waste disposal challenges. pH measurement in this area optimizes the efficiency of the bleaching process and lowers bleach consumption, discharge, and associated costs.

Accurately controlling pH, wash flows, tower levels, temperatures, and dilution flows is critical for overall bleach plant effectiveness.

Due to the corrosive nature of the bleaching chemicals, specialized Emerson FisherTM control valves and Emerson RosemountTM instrumentation provide best-in-class reliability and control performance. Advanced control strategies using Emerson DeltaVTM also enable the mill to minimize bleaching costs through multi-stage optimization controls.

Optimize the efficiency of the bleaching process
Ensure reliability and performance
Reduce bleaching costs

Contact us to talk to an expert about your immediate needs and how to increase your uptime and improve your productivity.

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