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Heater Treaters & Oil Processing Heater Treaters & Oil Processing
Onshore oil and gas operations use heater treaters to separate crude oil and gas from water and other materials.

Onshore oil and gas operations use heater treaters to separate crude oil and gas from water and other materials.

This phase of the production process allows accurate accounting of oil, water and gas, as long as process level, pressure, temperature, and flow are well controlled.

Our oil processing solutions help drive wellpad optimization. 

As experts in measurement, automation, and process controls, we have the expertise and resources to evaluate your needs and develop customized solutions that will provide the proper control across your heater treaters. Our solutions enable automated net oil calculations, water cut analysis, remote monitoring, and data collection, ensuring optimum production management. Trust our team to work with you to drive well optimization, maximize reservoir life, meet regulatory compliance, and promote long-term profitability. 
Meet regulatory compliance
Ensure optimal production management
Simplify transportation and delivery of product
Talk to one of our experts about your immediate needs and ask how we can improve your operation's reliability and increase productivity.
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