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Quality Measurement Quality Measurement
Crude oil production must meet specific density, viscosity, and water cut specifications for custody transfer defined by pipeline companies.

Crude oil production must meet specific density, viscosity, and water cut specifications for custody transfer defined by pipeline companies.

Not meeting these conditions prior to shipping can lead to significant reprocessing fees and operation downtime.

Our complete solution enables accurate compliance measurement using a quality skid to ensure crude oil quality meets or exceeds all required process conditions before shipment leaves the facility or custody transfer point.

Micro Motion’s densitometer provides high accuracy density measurement and can achieve an accuracy of 0.0002 g/cc which exceeds crude oil quality requirements. Micro Motion DVS viscometer probe offers a wide viscosity range to accurately measure upset conditions where over or under blending may have occurred. We provide improved water cut measurement accuracy though their patented density compensated water cut measurement.
Meet all required process conditions
Avoid operation downtime
Avoid reprocessing fees
Talk to one of our experts about your immediate needs and ask how we can improve your operation's reliability and increase productivity.
call us toll-free; 24 / 7 / 365