This transfer station is a critical natural gas feed into a major metropolitan area, and requires safe, reliable, and accurate pressure delivery to the custody transfer metering equipment. This pressure is controlled through three parallel pipe runs, each containing a six-inch (NPS 6) Fisher control valve.
Each valve is controlled by a Fisher FIELDVUE™ digital valve controller that receives its pressure command from a local RTU. Because the control equipment is electronic in nature, it is critical that there be a local backup control source, should there be a power outage or lightning strike. Each valve was previously controlled by older, pneumatic equipment using nozzle-and-flapper technology with significant bleed gas to the atmosphere.
One of three parallel natural gas lines within the transfer station installation is shown to the right with the six-inch Fisher control valve and Fisher FIELDVUE™ digital valve controller at center.
Each valve is controlled by a Fisher FIELDVUE™ digital valve controller that receives its pressure command from a local RTU. Because the control equipment is electronic in nature, it is critical that there be a local backup control source, should there be a power outage or lightning strike. Each valve was previously controlled by older, pneumatic equipment using nozzle-and-flapper technology with significant bleed gas to the atmosphere.
One of three parallel natural gas lines within the transfer station installation is shown to the right with the six-inch Fisher control valve and Fisher FIELDVUE™ digital valve controller at center.