Pilot Program: Included 96 individual compressor assets in seven locations. Of these, 25% had issues of varying degrees of urgency: 3 “high-high”; 7 “high”; 14 “early warning”; 2 “repaired.” Some typical mechanical issues included: bearings, rotor bars, fan blades, pump imbalance, excessive vibration, belt tension.
Return On Investment (ROI): The $100K pilot project conducted over a period of six weeks resulted in documented savings of $800K. This success led to the further commitment of a $1.2M Reliability Service Agreement for upscaling these results across the entire company fleet of assets totaling approximately $2B.
Return On Investment (ROI): The $100K pilot project conducted over a period of six weeks resulted in documented savings of $800K. This success led to the further commitment of a $1.2M Reliability Service Agreement for upscaling these results across the entire company fleet of assets totaling approximately $2B.