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Electrical Reliability Solutions
Electrical Reliability Solutions
IRISS Infrared Inspection Solutions

It’s Time Your Infrared Window Fitted Your Needs and Applications

Infrared Inspection Windows are an Electrical Maintenance Safety Device (EMSD) that allows a safer method of monitoring and inspecting critical electrical assets. These EMSDs should be adopted as part of a comprehensive condition-based maintenance system. With the proper procedures in place that take advantage of this technology, companies are able to monitor the health of their assets and schedule necessary maintenance before an unplanned event occurs, causing costly downtime and possible injury of fatality. MORE DETAILS

IRISS Thermo Clip™ Series

The Thermo Clip™ Series serve as overtemperature indicators for electrical assets. Using a patented Thermochromic technology, these easily-installed clips provide a color-changing visual indicator that work in tandem with the large format windows from IRISS as part of the visual component in the inspection process prior to and between infrared and ultrasound inspections. With a memory-effect feature, these non-conducive clips can also let inspectors see a permanent record of overtemperature excursions in intermittently loaded systems. MORE DETAILS
Get in touch with a Reliability expert to learn more about solutions to manage your critical electrical assets.