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Clarkson KS1 Severe Service Knife Gate Valve
Emerson’s Clarkson KS1 is a true bi-directional, zero – leakage ASME Class 150 knife gate valve, specifically designed to handle the challenges of severe service applications.
Engineered to prolong valve longevity and maintenance intervals, the KS1 aims to offer a lower total cost of ownership.

Clarkson KS1 Severe Service Knife Gate Valve

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Clarkson KS1 Severe Service Knife Gate Valve


Size Range
DN 50 - 750 (NPS 2 - 30)
Temperature Rating
205°C (400°F)
Pressure Rating
ASME Class 150
Design Standard
MSS SP-135, ASME B31.3
Face to Face
MSS SP-135 Short
End Connections
Flanged: ASME 150, AS 2129 Table D/E, PN 10/16/20


  • True bi-directional, zero leakage performance for severe services
  • Patented gate edge seal system eliminates leakage through top of valve
  • Heavy cross-section, precision-molded elastomer seat increases sealing surface area to maintain zero-leakage performance for more cycles
  • Repairable asset with spare parts able to be replaced with standard tools
  • Full round port and seat design reduce pressure drop across valve to extend service life in abrasive applications
  • Integral inlet & outlet hardened wear rings minimize wear to valve body and extend service life of the asset
  • Simplify maintenance with dynamically self-adjusting gate edge seal system


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