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The industry-leading solution for real-time pipeline monitoring for liquids and gas pipelines.
A field-proven pipeline simulation platform based on modeling technology that provides pipeline leak detection, leak localization, batch tracking, automated forecasting, facility planning, operator training and support of the commercial business environment. It offers multiple leak detection technologies to detect ruptures, as well as pinhole leaks.


  • Easily Integrate and Configure - software is configured by Emerson engineers to model your particular pipeline with an interface to your SCADA / DCS system to transfer the pipeline flow, pressure and temperature measurements, used as the basis of the mod
  • Better Insight to Your Operation - provides a fully transient model, automated notification of future events and alarms and also calculates the survival time at different locations throughout your pipeline network
  • Predictive Intelligence - allows simulator training functionality that can provide a comprehensive and realistic training environment for building confidence and capability in crisis response and contingency management
  • Advanced Pipeline Leak and Theft Detection – with a robust and highly detailed transient thermo hydraulic model, it provides notice when pipeline integrity has been compromised via an accidental leak or deliberate act.
  • Enhance profitability by lowering operational costs, optimizing your pipeline throughput, and enhancing pipeline integrity monitoring
  • Reduce false alarms that frequently plague other systems
  • Advanced Leak Detection Performance Analyzer (LDPA™) - that can be used to test and fine tune both the accuracy and the sensitivity of your leak detection system


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