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Cause and Effect
An innovative application providing a menu-driven approach to control logic configuration delivering flexibility, and producing custom control capabilities for those users without programming experience.
A licensed User C program for the ROC800-Series and FloBoss 107 Manager devices that provides logical operations without having to write FSTs or IEC 61131 code.


  • Cause precondition evaluation must be satisfied before a trip is possible
  • Cause compound primary and secondary conditions that will trip the cause based on and/or evaluation
  • Cause operators allow selectable evaluations or operations (logical, on-change, mathematical, watchdog, and data movement)
  • Cause condition and precondition timer delays
  • Cause condition deadbands
  • Cause definitions for up to16 effect link assignments
  • Cause trips that clear automatically when the condition clears or trips that are reset controlled
  • Cause alarming to the device alarm log for trips and/or clears
  • Effect active/inactive values or states that are definable
  • Effect selectable option to assert those values continuously or not
  • Effect usage that defines its behavior as a normal effect or a reset point (i.e., reset push button)
  • Effect delay timer and effect last four tattletales that show the order of multiple causes tripped


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