Novaspect is presenting three Smart Valve Classes, Control Valve Maintenance, Basic DVC Set-up & Intro to Control Valve Troubleshooting with ValveLink™ Solo Software PC, and Advanced Control Valve Diagnostics with ValveLink™ Solo Software PC on February 25th-27th at Midwest Valve Services, a Novaspect Company, Woodbury, MN location.
Address: Midwest Valve Services
2280 Ventura Dr.
Woodbury, MN 55125
Control Valve Maintenance
- Fisher Sliding Stem Actuator Setup
- Fisher E-Body Maintenance
- Fisher 1052 & 2052 Setup & Maintenance
- Fisher V150 Maintenance
- Positioner 3610 & 3582 Setup
Basic DVC Set-up & Intro to Control Valve Troubleshooting with ValveLink™ Solo Software PC
- Overview of ValveLink™
- Installation, setup & calibration of DVC
- Control Valve & Actuator Spec Sheet
- Intro to AD Diagnostics tests; why we run and what to look for.
- Using Status Monitor
Advanced Control Valve Diagnostics with ValveLink™ Solo Software PC
- Overview of DVC Tiers and ValveLink™
- Scheduler & Triggered Profiler
- Set-up and Run AD Diagnostics
- Set-up and Run PD Diagnostics
- Batch Runner Setup
NOTE: Attendees receive a discounted price for attending multiple classes:
$875.00 for One Class
$1500.00 for Two Classes
$2300.00 for Three Classes
Contact Novaspect Education for details.
*Continental breakfast and lunch included*
To register for ANY or ALL of these SMART VALVE CLASSES, Click on the
REGISTER TODAY button on the right.