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A Big Move to Modern Data Management A Big Move to Modern Data Management
Migrated 10 years of archives while maintaining capture and functionality of new data
Modernized data management platform with real-time data visualization
Increased reliability and efficiency of data storage and transfer


Replacing an eDNA historian system nearing obsolescence


Madison Gas & Electric – Electric Utility


The site team needed to transition 10 years of data while making sure new data was being stored and all existing reporting functionality remained available for NERC compliance. They came to Novaspect trusting that we could move the archived data to a modern data management platform. Their historian files were proprietary .arc files that could only be read directly by eDNA or potentially a couple third-party drivers. Also, the site had experienced a loss of data scenario in the past due to issues with store and forward functionality within the eDNA system.



Upon review of available options, we selected a commercially available OPC HDA server to move the 10 years of data to AMS Optics. The AMS Optics History Transporter was used for historical data ingress. History Transporter is used to transport historical data from an external historian to the AMS Optics historian. History Transporter allows you to control the transport of the data in terms of scheduled cycles to effectively transfer large amounts of historical data without over-straining the system or the respective historians.

With AMS Optics in place, the site team is able to visualize and store their live real-time data, complete their reporting as they have done in the past, and have access to the last 10 years of data.


With AMS Optics in place, the site team is able to visualize and store their live real-time data, complete their reporting as they have done in the past, and have access to the last 10 years of data. The robust Store andForward (SaF) sub-system within AMS Optics buffers data which is locally generated or received over a network connection and which needs to be forwarded to another destination within the platform, including the embedded MongoDB. The next step in the transition will be to migrate reporting from the existing Excel format to the native AMS Optics reporting solution.

Digital Transformation Services